Monday, September 3, 2012

Labor day is not the end of Summer.

Labor day=end of summer?  Really? NowayIdontthinkso!
As long as it is still >70 and the sun is out majority of the week, we shall not wish it away! 

Long weekends are THE best though, huh? Makes the weekend feel great, and the week feel short.

The farmer's market this weekend had APPLES. Now that seems like Fall... Ok ok ok, Let me clarify. Ilovefall, like 1,000 times over! I LOVE APPLES (and pumpkins and squash) <--more on this to come.
SO it seemed like the best of both worlds. Warm, sunny weather + Fresh locally grown apples.  
You with me now?  Ok, phew. Didn't want you to think I was going cra cra.

My aunt had her annual pig roast on Sunday, and I made my Aunt's favorite dessert requested of me... mini cheesecakes with cherry filling on top.
I have found this recipe from Bakerella to be spot on good!

I also made these little gems, which you may also recognize from the post about my sister's bachelorette party. I did not make them for the bachelorette, in fact this was my first attempt at them! Super easy, and a definite keeper!  Here is the recipe I re-pinned from pinterest from Banner Boutique. (I added a little vanilla and sugar to my filling, and topped with only one big, fresh raspberry)  They were a HIT! Great presentation and great bite-size treat!
Sorry, I get a big FAIL at remembering to take photos of my creations :(

Take Away: Don't wish Summer away!


~Because there is no such thing as perfect, or never.  
Our goal should be to find what is Just.Right. ~