Saturday, June 16, 2012

proving a point.

Just to prove how awesome my cruiser bike is (which I have previously babbled on about)...

...Yep, that is my bestie, with the addition of her basket :) Best $70 (steep price, I know) I have spent.

Take Away:  Very simple.  If you have a cruiser, I front basket is a MUST!


~Because there is no such thing as perfect, or never.  
Our goal should be to find what is Just.Right. ~

Sunday, June 10, 2012

welcome to auntie-hood!

My younger sister (Amy) gave birth to my beautiful nephew on Friday the 8th of June!! What a day! What an amazing accomplishment...for her...
She was the kind of pregnant person, where for the first 6 months you questioned if she just had a beer belly, or if she was actually pregnant... then in months 7 & 8 it actually was evident that there was a baby in there...that is, if you were looking at her from the side.  She was super cute all throughout, and only purchased about 3 actual 'maternity' labeled clothing articles... i know, right? Ridic.
Anyways, welcome to the world Mr. Emmitt Ryan McPhee (his daddy's name is Ryan). Cute name, huh?
Well he is a doll, and aunt-hood...well it seems pretty easy up to this point!

officially the best auntie

my beautiful sister, baby emmitt, and daddy

our precious little gem!

My family, I have to say, is pretty sweet.  We were all there in full force... waiting in the wings for that little gem that had been hiding out for the past 9 months.  I guess you could say we were a little excited.

new grandma and grandpa with all the aunties :)

Our family has officially entered a whole new stage in life. BABIES!! HOW COOL?!?!

Lesson Learned: Be a healthy pregnant woman. Your body knows exactly what to do... just  give it what it needs, and the fruit will be wonderful!!


~Because there is no such thing as perfect, or never.  
Our goal should be to find what is Just.Right. ~

Monday, June 4, 2012

HBD! to my sister christy.

This weekend we celebrated my beautiful little sister Christy's birthday in style at a Detroit Tiger's game.  Large tailgate followed by a great game played against the New York Yankees.
Advice on planning a tailgate: Have everyone show up at the proper time, and have an established 'dinner' time... We had people showing up with their 'dish to pass' 15 minutes before game time, 
and wasted food=frustrating=happy homeless guys=better coordinating 
on our part for next time.

Overall, huge success, and looking forward to someone else's birthday falling on an awesome sporting event day! 

the birthday girl! (with her gluten free cupcake)

two of my sisters (Lt-christy, Ctr-sarah) and i

overview (somewhat) of our set-up


~Because there is no such thing as perfect, or never.  
Our goal should be to find what is Just.Right. ~