This weekend we rode in the Zoo-de-Mack 50 mile bike ride from Boyne Highlands to Mackinaw City. What a trip! Weather was a whopping 80+ degrees and not a cloud in the sky! Not only is my butt sore (I don't know what a hemorrhoid feels like, but I feel like I have one) my sunburn is reminding me I should have found some shade, post-ride.
My family is the best, and showed great attendance for the ride, as well as two of our best-est friends from Wisconsin- Tim & Katie.
While I thought I had prepared enough for this ride, my behind is telling me otherwise... and my running shoes will be set aside for awhile as my hubs and I MUST prepare better for our next long ride coming up on June 9th.
Our ride ended with great camaraderie and brews (like every good race should), and a trip to Mackinaw Island. Our friends (and my hubs) have never been to the Island, so I played 'fudgie' along with them, and we had a great time:)
['fudgie' is a term we (locals) give those who are tourists in the Mackinaw areas, because they buy the one entity in surplus... FUDGE!]
Happy Monday to everyone, and hopefully you don't have a sore buttock! ;)
Lessons learned: proper training is never overrated; no matter how much work/planning/hectic-ness surrounds an can't beat quality friend/family time
~Because there is no such thing as perfect, or never.
Our goal should be to find what is Just.Right. ~
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